Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Grades 9:03 & 9:08 do their first dictation test on Thursday 30th September!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Spelling Quiz

Grades 09-02 and 09-07, remember to prepare for your spelling quiz set for Sunday, 3rd October. Your list, the numbers one to twenty, is Grammar Reference point 1.6 on page 124 in the New Headway Plus Student Book.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


As many of you already know, being a student at IAT means project work. In terms of your English Classes, this means Career Education. LC1's project is a research based task. Your teachers will work on the project with you during class time throughout the cycle. Please click here take a look at what kind of options your have for your project.

Laptops Coming Soon

Grade 9 students will receive their laptops after the end of LC1. Until then, beginning this week, each G9 section will be assigned computer lab periods. Be patient, your laptop will be with you before you know it!

Welcome to Dubai

IAT's Dubai campus welcomes Ms. Melissa Patel to the English Team. She will be teaching Grade Nine and is from The United States. Her hometown is Vancouver, Washington and she acquired her degree while studying in Missoula, Montana. A teacher for nearly 10 years, Ms. Melissa is brand new to not only the UAE, but to the entire Middle East, and is excited to meet any and all challenges.

Welcome Aboard

IAT Dubai also welcomes Ms. Lise Lacasse to the English Faculty. Teaching Grade Nine Students, Ms. Lise is from Canada and her hometown is St. John's, Newfoundland. A newcomer to the UAE, she has spent much of the last 15 years teaching throughout Europe, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.