Wednesday, October 6, 2010

English 9.5 and 9.10

Dear Students,

The last four weeks have been very exciting and busy for grade 9, sections 5 and 10. We are continually working to improve our listening, speaking, writing and reading skills.

In class we learned to use reading strategies to help comprehend all genres of text. At the moment we are focusing on pre-reading strategies that help us prepare for reading any topic. Before reading remember to look at the pictures, read the title, skim and scan the text, and read the captions. Also to help you understand a topic, activate your schema before reading. Ask yourself questions: What do I know about this topic? Do I have any connections to the information? What prior/background knowledge reminds me of this new topic? After pre-reading you are ready to make predictions about what you think the text will be about. As you are reading you will find if your predictions were close!

Keep working hard to “turn on your English” when you are at school. Also, remember to read every night! You can read magazines, newspapers, novels, picture books, articles, and even textbooks.

This week we are beginning to work on our Career Projects. Please click here take a look at what kind of options your have for your project.

If you are looking for a fun and education website where you can improve your vocabulary as well as donate to a good cause please go to:

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