Wednesday, March 23, 2011

09-02 and 09-07,

The past simple tense is one of the main objectives in New Headway Plus Units 6, 7 and 8. Please make sure you check your email - for the work to do at home and the presentation - to help you understand the past simple tense better.

Your LC3 exams are just around the corner, so make sure you start studying and come to class with questions if you're unclear about anything.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

MT-2 Exams Coming Soon


Your MT-2 Exams will run from Sunday April 3rd to Thursday April 14th. Be sure to focus over these two weeks before exam time and ready yourself for the last stretch of the academic year. Don't forget that teachers are available to help you with extra study time every Saturday here on our Campus. CLICK HERE to download your schedule.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mid-Cycle Quiz This Week!

09-02 and 09-07,

Please study hard for your Mid-Cycle Quiz this week: New Headway Plus Units 6 & 7 Student Book, Workbook, notes in the notebook and on your laptop, and hand-outs and worksheets in your folder.

Monday, March 7, 2011

09.05 and 09.10

Dear 09-10 and 09-05,

Thank you for working so hard this semester. All the groups did a fantastic job writing the proposal letters. I know it was a difficult task and I’m very impressed with the effort you put into creating a professional and well-written letter.

I really enjoyed listening to the recordings of you discussing a country. It was wonderful to hear how fluently you are speaking! Also, I learned a lot about each of your countries. Excellent job!

This week you will have your mid-cycle exam. Please continue to use your student book and workbook as a study guide. Remember, I’m always here after school, before school and during most breaks if you have any questions or need extra support with anything.

Please continue to check Edmodo daily for updates and assignments.

Ms. Melissa

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Project Task 1

Congratulations to 9.06.

Great job on your business letters. Every group has successfully completed the first draft of their business letter. They look great, now we just need to tweak some the English to make it sound more professional.


Mr. Crosbie

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Past Simple Tense

09-02 and 09-7,

Your main language objective for New Headway Plus Unit 7 is the past simple tense. Remember to study the pages in your Student Book, Workbook, notebook and documents in your laptop in preparation for a possible drop quiz - and ask me questions if there's something you don't understand.

Ms. Lara