Monday, May 23, 2011

The Present Continuous

09-02 and 09-07,

Using the Present Continuous correctly is one of your LC4 objectives.

am/is/are + verb+ing


•You are watching TV.
•Are you watching TV?
•You are not watching TV.

Use the Present Continuous to express the idea that something is happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.


•You are learning English now.
•You are not swimming now.
•Are you sleeping?
•I am sitting.
•I am not standing.
•Is he sitting or standing?
•They are reading their books.
•They are not watching television.
•What are you doing?
•Why aren't you doing your homework?

Make sure you refer to your Student Book, Workbook, notebook, hand-outs and online howework when you're preparing for your LC4 English exam.

Please ask me questions when you have them.

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